English Week
Stall Games

English Week was held from 13th December to 19th December 2017. The main objective of English Week was to provide students with further opportunities for extending their knowledge and experience of the food cultures around the world. Through participating a variety of interesting and fun activities, students were highly motivated to learn.

Stall Games

On December 19th, students met on the covered playground to play fifteen food-themed English games. For the “What’s in the Bag?” game, students reached their hand into a bag containing five mystery items (apple, orange, dragon fruit, lolly-pop, and chocolate bar) and tried to name each one without peeking! In “Fruit Ninja,” students lined up to answer fruit questions (such as: “I am a big yellow fruit with a spiky green top. What am I?”) and throw darts into the boxes. Students had lots of fun on that day!